Tips to Conserve More Energy

save energyEnergy efficiency is something that we should all be striving for. It ensures that our power grid does not end up using a lot of natural resources that it should not really need to use. It is also an easy way to cut back on the cost of your power bill. Therefore, here are some very easy to handle tips to conserve more energy and make your home as efficient as possible.

Cutting Costs in the Kitchen

dishwasherWe often spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. Therefore, saving energy here is going to be important if you want to cut costs and use less power. For instance, you should avoid running your dishwasher if it is only half full. This will save water and power because you will not have to run it as often. If you still wash dishes by hand, run water in the sink so that you can turn off the water while getting the job done. Your refrigerator temperature only needs to be 38 degrees. If yours is colder, you are wasting energy. The freezer can be set at 50 degrees and still freeze all that you need to have frozen. Your refrigerator should also be away from heat sources, which can make them work harder.

Beyond the Kitchen

thermostat settingsIn the home, we often waste power by leaving lights, televisions, and other things turned on, but it goes further than that as well. Our energy is often wasted by trying to keep our home warmer or cooler than it has to be. During the winter time, if you keep your thermostat at 68 degrees while you are home, you will save money, but it may mean that you need to dress a little warmer. When you leave home for work, you can turn down the heat a little more to save even more. If you live in a warm area of the world, keeping the thermostat set at 78-80 will help you stay cool, but not too cool. You can also warm it up when you leave home for work. A timer can do it all for you without you having to think about it. You should also seal up places where outside air can come in, plant trees on the hot side of your home, and use reflective window dressings to keep the sun out.

Put Effort into Cleaning

dryer ventsCleaning your home is also a great way to keep things working properly so that you can save energy. You should clean the coils on your refrigerator a few times each year by vacuuming, clean vents, change out or clean filters, and all those other things that we sometimes forget. You may also take time to clean your shower heads to ensure that water flows out of all jets and upgrade to one that is designed to be efficient. Cleaning can also allow you to discover new areas where you may feel a draft. None of these things have to be done daily, just try to make a schedule that you can work with and soon it will become just something you do.

As you can see, saving energy goes beyond turning the lights off. There are a lot of little things you can do to make your home more efficient. You simply have to try and it will save you money as well as conserve energy.